Bladder leakage is a significant problem for Australian women and is an issue that needs to be taken more seriously. There are over 5 million Australians who experience bladder leakage and 80% of these are women. The physical, emotional and social impact that this can have on a woman’s life cannot be underestimated. Whilst bladder leakage is very common, it is also very treatable - pelvic floor muscle training is the number one recommended treatment world-wide.
Prolapse can be a bit of a scary word. Women have often heard horror stories from their mothers, aunties or friends. However, having a prolapse isn’t actually that scary. It’s also very common – 1 in 2 women who have had a baby have one. Want to know the good news? Prolapse is very treatable, and pelvic floor exercises are the number one treatment recommended for prolapse worldwide.
Did you know that carrying a few extra kilo’s around your stomach can affect your bladder control? Unfortunately, the lifestyle changes associated with being at home more during COVID-19 have led to some people gaining extra weight. In this article we outline how weight gain and bladder control are related, and what you can do about it.
Since spending more time at home due to COVID-19, many of our patients have been complaining of needing to wee more often, rushing to the toilet, having accidents on the way, and waking more often overnight to wee.  So many factors may be contributing to this, but some common culprits are drinking too much caffeine (and alcohol!!), high stress/anxiety levels, and having easy access to the toilet.  We share our top tips for keeping your bladder happy and healthy at home.
Pelvic floor problems don’t need to stop you from exercising. There are many types of exercise that are safe to do even if your pelvic floor is weak. Here are 10 pelvic-floor friendly exercises to help you spring into springtime.
There are many commonly held beliefs about fluid intake that actually have no basis in truth. How much fluid is best? Should I drink 8 glasses of water a day? Is caffeine bad for your bladder? What colour should urine be? Read on to learn the difference between fact and fiction!
