
Pregnancy & Postnatal

Pelvic Health Problems We Can Help

Alt Pelvic Girdle Pain
Pelvic Girdle Pain in pregnancy is common but it’s not normal and you don’t have to put up with it... Read More

Alt Back & neck pain
Back, neck and rib issues can be extremely painful and have a huge impact on your pregnancy and limit your ability to look after and enjoy your baby... Read More

Alt Breastfeeding
Physiotherapy can help with engorgement, blocked ducts and mastitis so you can get on with the special job of breastfeeding your baby... Read More

Alt Pelvic Floor
Pregnancy and birth are the number one causes of pelvic floor problems, it is essential that you correctly exercise these muscles to prevent bladder leakage and prolapse… Read More

Alt  Stomach Muscles
Pregnancy weakens abdominal muscles causing back pain, injury and poor posture. A strengthening program will help you regain muscle tone and protect your back... Read More

Alt  Birthskills
Practical life and birth skills will empower you and your support person to cope with labour and birth and can also be applied to the postnatal period. This experiential session explores these skills... Read More

Alt  Perineal Tear & Episiotomy
Many women experience a perineal tear or episiotomy in labour but pain and bladder and bowel problems after are not normal. Physiotherapy can help you recover... Read More

Optimise Your Pelvic Health During Pregnancy & Beyond

•    At Women’s & Men’s Health Physiotherapy we lead the way in pelvic health ensuring you can enjoy your pregnancy and the early months with your baby to the fullest
    We understand that back and pelvic joint pain can reduce your enjoyment at this exciting time
    We can help your body recover from pregnancy so you can return to pleasurable activities

Get Expert Help For Your Pelvic Muscles & Joints

    Pregnancy hormones relax your joints, ligaments and abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Your growing baby strains and stretches these structures
    Labour and birth and the demands of caring for your newborn can cause further physical problems
    Research shows that pelvic floor exercises in pregnancy and postnatally prevent bladder leakage

    The pelvic floor muscles support and control the bladder and bowel and assist sexual function and your abdominal muscles support the spine
    At Women's & Men's Health Physiotherapy we specialise in designing a personalised pregnancy and post-natal pelvic health program exclusively for you

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What Is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

The pelvic floor muscles are at the base of the pelvis and attach from the pubic bone at the front to the tail bone at the back. They are like a hammock and support the bladder, uterus and bowel. They also help control the bladder and bowel and play a role in sexual function.

If the pelvic floor muscles are weak, they can contribute to poor bladder and bowel control and pelvic organ prolapse. If you are unable to relax your pelvic floor you may have problems with bladder and bowel emptying or sexual and pelvic pain.

Our specifically trained Physiotherapists will evaluate the function of your pelvic floor muscles and assess your ability to contract and relax these muscles. Pelvic floor muscle training under the guidance of a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist is recognised as an effective treatment for these problems.

See what's new at WMHP

Real Time Ultrasound – A Useful Tool

We’re up to date with the latest technology which includes Real Time Ultrasound. 
This is an imaging technology that shows contraction and relaxation of deep muscles in real time and allows us to give you a more accurate assessment if required.


Uses Of Real Time Ultrasound

•  Your Physiotherapist may make use of ultrasound as part of your pelvic floor and abdominal assessment to ensure you’re activating and relaxing your muscles correctly

•  It may be used as a teaching tool to provide you with immediate visual feedback to improve learning and performance

•  Real Time Ultrasound can be used as a bladder scanner to assess bladder emptying



549 Burke Rd, Camberwell VIC 3124
F: 03 8823 8399