Do you strain to empty your bowel & feel like you haven’t completely emptied?
Do you have bowel movements less than three times a week?
Do you have to rush to the toilet or experience soiling of your underwear?
Constipation and loss of bowel control are highly distressing problems that are seldom talked about. These problems can have a huge impact on your life. Constipation and difficulty emptying your bowel can leave you feeling bloated, uncomfortable and sluggish. You might find yourself avoiding intimacy and social situations and too worried to leave the house in the morning if you haven’t had a bowel action.
Many men experience bowel problems but feel too embarrassed to ask for help. The good news is that you don’t have to live with it or suffer in silence. Help is available.
Common Symptoms:
• Having to strain to empty your bowel
• Hard stool
• Having to return to the toilet soon after a bowel action
• Faecal soiling with activity or on the way to the toilet
• Rushing to the toilet for a bowel action with an overwhelming urge to go
• Accidently passing wind
Possible Causes Of Bowel Problems:
• Constipation & straining/poor toileting habits
• Poor fluid intake
• Dietary factors
• Radiation therapy
• Heavy lifting
• Stress and anxiety
• Ageing
How We Can Help:
Physiotherapy can help improve your bowel control and emptying so that you can get on with your life. At Women’s & Men’s Health Physiotherapy we specialise in providing a personalised pelvic health program exclusively for you which will include a bowel management program.
What To Expect:
• A thorough assessment to establish your goals, pelvic floor requirements and treatment plan
• Design of a personalised pelvic floor muscle exercise program
• Progression of your program and application to daily activities
• Instruction in a more effective way to empty your bowel which may include balloon therapy
• Advice to improve stool consistency
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